New Frontier

New Frontier

Next generation diploma embed recipient's photo

May 23, 2006 @ 10:20 am ET

Neptune, New Jersey -- Since the heyday of the desktop publishing era, diploma fraud has cost the American taxpayer a whopping $500 million each year. A New Jersey based company is hoping its first commercial product, GradPak(TM) will become one more obstacle to diploma fraud and identity theft.

More | The Barutiwa Daily Times

Investing for Success targets African-Americans

May 23, 2006 @ 10:40 am ET

The National Urban League (NUL) and the Investment Company Institute Education Foundation (ICIEF) has teamed up to challenge African-Americans to increase their investment knowledge and build wealth through its Investing for Success program.

More | The Barutiwa Daily Times

1951 College football team decline invitation to bowl game

May 23, 2006 @ 10:48 am ET

San Francisco, California -- In 1951, the University of San Francisco (USF) football team enjoyed an undefeated season of 9-0-0. However, that year, the USF team did not play in a bowl game.

More | The Barutiwa Daily Times

A Note on Freedom of Speech and Press

"A function of free speech under our system of government is to invite dispute. It may indeed serve its high purpose when it induces a condition of unrest, creates dissatisfaction with conditions as they are, or even stirs people to anger. Speech is often provocative and challenging. It may strike at prejudices and preconceptions and have profound unsettling effects as it presses for acceptance of an idea. That is why freedom of speech [is] protected against censorship or punishment..."

Justice William O. Douglas